Monday, October 1, 2007

Dieting and the Yo Yo Affects

Dieting and the Yo Yo affects are one of the worst scenarios, while trying to lose weight. You do so well at the beginning of the diet. Can see the pounds drop on the scale and then it stops after a week or so.

We wonder what we have done wrong and become bewildered with the diet and the lack of progress then.

This begins the YO Yo affects that I was referring to. After deciding the diet was a failure we stop with the diet. Then the weight we had lost comes back and sometimes even more.

Time to sit back and evaluate what you are doing or not doing during this process of dieting. Are you giving the diet enough time to actually work? Do you quit when you hit the plataue? Did you give the diet time to make the changes in your eating habits?

Sit down and write out all the reasons why the diet failed or why you believe it failed. Evaluate the diet fairly.

Some other things to ask yourself is:

  • Did I pick a diet that I actually could deal with?
  • Was the diet leaving me feeling like I was starving?
  • Did you exercise along with dieting?
  • Where you serious about the diet before you started?
These are only thought starters. Still the same, they are important.

Picking out a diet that has foods on it that you don't like is going to kill your chances of staying on the diet for very long. Pick out a diet that has food you will eat.

If you choose a diet that leaves you feeling like you are starving all the time. You will fail miserably with it. Be practical and make sure you are getting enough food or liquids to where you are left feeling full.

If you diet and don't exercise, you are not giving your body something it needs. Speeding up your metabolism helps you to burn more calories, as well as to make you feel better. Exercising does not mean doing sit-ups or going to a work out gym alone. Exercising can be as easy as just going out for a walk. Preferrably a power walk. This means that you are going at a good rate that raises your heart rate. You will feel great after you do this and jump start your metabolism. Believe me, you will see the difference as you do this and diet.

Being serious about the diet before you start is so very important. If you just say you are going on a diet to appease someone else, you are in trouble! I find that when I go on a diet, it is best to just keep this to myself and do it. Then the only person I'm dealing with is myself. Remember the saying "To thine ownself be true"?

Break the dieting yo yo. Set your own goals and make sure you follow-up on the things I mentioned above, before you start your diet.

Happy dieting!

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